Monday, December 10, 2007

There's an encrypted message for you...

How would you show the chair of the Computer Science department where you are applying that you are really interested on the program? Although this was not Agile, I'd like to share my request...

-> My Encrypted Request

-> Setting the private key
(N , D) = (4108901 , 1641293)

-> Decrypting each block
Ascii(x) = x ^ D mod N

Ascii(1277422) = 1277422 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1731
Ascii(2847316) = 2847316 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 39200
Ascii(2693100) = 2693100 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 13220
Ascii(1261616) = 1261616 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 821
Ascii(1) = 1 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1
Ascii(2938277) = 2938277 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21820
Ascii(4074945) = 4074945 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1132
Ascii(3827899) = 3827899 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2162
Ascii(25393) = 25393 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1113
Ascii(2962151) = 2962151 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 219820
Ascii(4074945) = 4074945 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1132
Ascii(1430646) = 1430646 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 197
Ascii(1258669) = 1258669 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20020
Ascii(59049) = 59049 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 9
Ascii(3200000) = 3200000 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20
Ascii(1629705) = 1629705 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 521
Ascii(7776) = 7776 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 6
Ascii(3443146) = 3443146 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 216
Ascii(3200000) = 3200000 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20
Ascii(1) = 1 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1
Ascii(2899021) = 2899021 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 200
Ascii(530979) = 530979 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 132
Ascii(3827899) = 3827899 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2162
Ascii(161051) = 161051 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 11
Ascii(371293) = 371293 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 13
Ascii(486282) = 486282 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2216
Ascii(2112274) = 2112274 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20420
Ascii(39709) = 39709 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 113
Ascii(1398153) = 1398153 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 217
Ascii(3080659) = 3080659 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 7183
Ascii(3658437) = 3658437 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 13221
Ascii(1044731) = 1044731 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 22
Ascii(3282995) = 3282995 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 14211
Ascii(212373) = 212373 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2032
Ascii(1812438) = 1812438 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 141
Ascii(3846068) = 3846068 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 97
Ascii(1160197) = 1160197 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 209
Ascii(530979) = 530979 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 132
Ascii(1430646) = 1430646 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 197
Ascii(32) = 32 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2
Ascii(580174) = 580174 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 161
Ascii(1768792) = 1768792 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 3221
Ascii(1658195) = 1658195 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 6204
Ascii(1091755) = 1091755 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 201
Ascii(2267810) = 2267810 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1321
Ascii(1497451) = 1497451 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 67211
Ascii(3200000) = 3200000 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20
Ascii(4046644) = 4046644 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 9212
Ascii(32) = 32 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2
Ascii(1419857) = 1419857 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 17
Ascii(573939) = 573939 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21620
Ascii(2041489) = 2041489 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 121
Ascii(3647676) = 3647676 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 413
Ascii(537178) = 537178 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2183
Ascii(48909) = 48909 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 19920
Ascii(3125) = 3125 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 5
Ascii(1091755) = 1091755 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 201
Ascii(32) = 32 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2
Ascii(3640644) = 3640644 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 101
Ascii(1903585) = 1903585 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 99
Ascii(1320821) = 1320821 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20113
Ascii(2209028) = 2209028 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 220020
Ascii(1) = 1 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1
Ascii(4084101) = 4084101 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21
Ascii(32) = 32 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2
Ascii(3824505) = 3824505 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1972
Ascii(1171281) = 1171281 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 142
Ascii(2228976) = 2228976 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1620
Ascii(59049) = 59049 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 9
Ascii(3200000) = 3200000 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20
Ascii(48414) = 48414 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 12102
Ascii(4106401) = 4106401 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1613
Ascii(2135263) = 2135263 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21972
Ascii(2745785) = 2745785 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 16132
Ascii(857024) = 857024 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 18319
Ascii(3734162) = 3734162 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 72
Ascii(4072015) = 4072015 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1013
Ascii(4084101) = 4084101 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21
Ascii(159491) = 159491 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 70
Ascii(2228557) = 2228557 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2141
Ascii(3846068) = 3846068 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 97
Ascii(1776204) = 1776204 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 210
Ascii(2476099) = 2476099 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 19
Ascii(59049) = 59049 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 9
Ascii(3200000) = 3200000 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 20
Ascii(2812195) = 2812195 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 52151
Ascii(3910998) = 3910998 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 992
Ascii(25393) = 25393 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1113
Ascii(4084101) = 4084101 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21
Ascii(2256068) = 2256068 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 8321
Ascii(7776) = 7776 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 6
Ascii(1430646) = 1430646 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 197
Ascii(573939) = 573939 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21620
Ascii(161051) = 161051 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 11
Ascii(243) = 243 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 3
Ascii(32) = 32 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 2
Ascii(1) = 1 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1
Ascii(2556440) = 2556440 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 852
Ascii(3783996) = 3783996 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 10205
Ascii(4084101) = 4084101 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21
Ascii(806332) = 806332 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 820
Ascii(248832) = 248832 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 12
Ascii(3853387) = 3853387 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 1421
Ascii(2644820) = 2644820 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 520
Ascii(419895) = 419895 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 52162
Ascii(3472022) = 3472022 ^ 1641293 mod 4108901 = 21133

-> Complete message in ASCII

-> Original Message
I'd love to be admitted to the MS program at the Computer Science department at San Francisco State University!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Starting over again...

Starting over again after having to quit CollabNet due to Visa regulations... However, nothing let me down and stop to do what I love to (I think I wrote the same thing on my last email to the company)...

Anyway, I'm trying to be agile today after talking to my brother Leandro and accepting the position of CTO, WOW... Well, at least I will direct the company in the perspective of research and development and educate his startup with a flat view of the world of Software Development... In this way, it has been a really long day, after setting up the company's infrastructure at GoogleApps (work for the CIO, anyone???)... I present to all of you Spry Software Factory, or just Spry Softwares, that will primarily be funded by services to Nokia...

The vision I have for this startup is to follow a mix of models, which includes Software Factory and Distributed Open-Source company. In this way, the imperatives to drive research and development will involve the following vertical markets:
  • Mobile Software Development: primarily for the following platforms:
    • Nokia's Maemo Linux: Leandro de Sales, the CEO, is about to defend his M.S. by contributing to the open-source world by implementing the DCCP protocol to the Linux kernel. Most solutions include maintenance of the Maemo platform and applications using UPnP;

    • Google's Android: After the announcement of U$10 Millions, who doesn't want to develop for this rich platform that promises...? I will take this opportunity to work on my M.S. dissertation (still looking to be admitted in the Bay Area) and implement my personal vision of Active User Interfaces I suggested to Motorola in 2004, which unfortunately was rejected. However, I am happy to see the results of limitation (After iPhone, Razor died...) and also happy to see Google's efforts to transform the world again, following what most of the 3G/4G applications in Japan already do... I'm a big fan of the NTT DoCoMo!

  • E-Commerce Internet Applications: I spent around a year and half developing osCommerce applications and I chose 2 applications to attack this imperative market:
    • osCommerce Contributions: developed in PHP, this shopping cart solution represents the most successful application for small companies starting their operations online;

    • KonaKart Open-Source Leadership: I will drive the open-source Java development of the free components of this application. It will include the development of Contributions in a way of Java Plug-ins.

  • Virtualization: Transforming development teams with solutions of distributed software development and backup centers with the following technologies:
    • Distributed VMWare: Create profiles of operating systems, save their specification and let your employees reuse them accordingly;

    • CollabNet CUBiT: A highest level of control and customization for profiles, which includes the creation of online profiles based on Linux and Windows machines!

  • Global, Agile, Distributed and Collaborative Development Process: The most important of all verticals is the change in current development process of companies willing to step ahead the old processes used by using a proven way to run a business:
    • Subversion on Demand: Tracking changes from departments producing text-based artifacts through the use of Subversion, a version-control system which keeps track of every change you do;

    • ALM Tools: Companies of any size can better manage their activities using a proven set of tools powered by Enterprise Application Life-cycle Management tools such as SourceForge Enterprise Edition, which includes tracking any activity of users from any department using Subversion on Demand technology;

    • Changes on an Enterprise development culture with Agile Methodologies, which can be applicable from Engineering to Management teams, in order to identify its own collaborative way with the highest level of productivity;

Spent the day setting up the basic Google Apps for the company... The third-level domain names or Subdomains is not a great feature on Google, since one has to go to the Advanced features on the setup section and guess what? We are redirected to the place where our domain name was registered... In our case, eNom is the company, and everything has to be done there... But wait, after browsing for more than 2 hours I realized that the only way to link a given subdomain to a page is to create a domain URL frame instead a regular CNAME, which would point to the Google Apps server... It's a shame, because I believe it would be easier to just offer that from its interface... I bought the domain from google and I was expecting the full integration....

Anyway, this I will link this blog as

StartupCTO - Helping Small Teams Develop Great Software

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